
Our priority is to bolster the “repeaters” in Civil Services Exam. This program ensures holistic preparation by covering all GS papers with a balanced approach, enhancing writing skills with a focus on speed, clarity, and structure. Regular feedback helps in pinpointing and addressing weak areas, while continuous practice and mentor support build confidence for the actual exam. The Introduction Session starts on 28th June and regular tests begins on 1st July. 

Course details


·         2 Questions / Day

·         Practise GS 1, 2, 3, 4 Papers

·         1-1 Discussion 

·         Customised Timing and Compartmentalised Tests

·         K.I.T.E.S Session for Assessment of Performance


Learning Tactics Sessions

·         Subject-Based Learning Tactics & Strategies

·         How to reorient learning towards Main Exam?

·         Understanding subject-wise nuances


Answer crafting Sessions

·         Techniques for crafting well-organized and coherent answers.

·         Emphasis on introduction, body, and conclusion format.

·         Use of headings, subheadings, and bullet points for clarity.


Assessment Sessions

·         Setting personal goals for each subject.

·         Identifying weak areas and focusing on them.

·         Continuous self-assessment through questions

Session Advantage

  • Reorienting Learning strategies towards Mains Exam
  • Precisely locate keywords in the Questions
  • Undertake 360 degree perspective analysis of the Question
  • Tackle questions from remote and unknown areas
  • Learn & use appropriate pattern of answer
  • Organise Points in right manner
  • Use appropriate stats, proverbs, quotes, idioms & phrases


Course Overview



GS Paper






K.I.T.E.S Session


1 to 5

Week 1

GS Paper 1

Learning Tactics Session


6 to 10

Week 2

GS Paper 1

Answer Crafting Session


11 to 15

Week 3

GS Paper 2

Learning Tactics Session


16 to 20

Week 4

GS Paper 2

Answer Crafting Session


21 to 25

Week 5

GS Paper 3

Learning Tactics Session


26 to 30

Week 6

GS Paper 3

Answer Crafting Session


31 to 35

Week 7

GS Paper 4

Learning Tactics Session


36 to 40

Week 8

GS Paper 4

Answer Crafting Session



Assessment Sessions

41 to 45

Week 9

GS Paper 1

Culture & History


46 to 50

Week 10

GS Paper 1

World History & Society


51 to 55

Week 11

GS Paper 1

Society & Geography


56 to 60

Week 12

GS Paper 2

Constitution & Polity


61 to 65

Week 13

GS Paper 2

Governance & Social Justice


66 to 70

Week 14

GS Paper 2

International Relations


71 to 75

Week 15

GS Paper 3

Economy & Technology


76 to 80

Week 16

GS Paper 3

Biodiversity & Environment


81 to 85

Week 17

GS Paper 3

Disaster & Security


86 to 90

Week 18

GS Paper 4

Ethics & Case Studies


91 to 95

Week 19

GS Paper 4


96 to 100

Week 20

GS Paper 4


Detailed topic wise schedule is provided in the Classroom Page